June 2023: R-Ladies Lighting Talks

Lightning Talks w/ R Ladies Philly

We had our annual Lightning Talks on June 28th, 2023. These short and insightful talks covered a variety of R topics used by our members to tackle problems from new to advanced users. We were joined by R Ladies DC and sponsored by O’Reilly Media who provided us with a book prize to give out to our attending members in a raffle.

Check out our speakers and brief snippet of their talk:

Data wrangling in R for SAS users‘ by Priyanka Gagneja This talk is about how to make it easy to translate legacy SAS codes with R. This can be a good starting point for SAS programmers who don’t know much R and for R users who do not know SAS.

‘Leveraging Open-Source Communities for Professional Development’ by Hebah Bukhari A few years ago I made a career switch and picked up R as a coding language. I didn’t have any coding background before. I began in an accredited program, but everything I learned about R and coding has been through the contribution of the R community and the help of its generous members.

‘Imaging R: An Interactive Web Application for Visualizing Multimodality Imaging Data Using R and Shiny’ by Kiki Zhang I developed an R-based web application that provides interactive image processing, analysis, and visualization. Multimodal data can be explored intuitively through the analysis pipelines comprising spectral density and time-lagged cross-correlation analyses for quantifying variation in neuronal dynamics and observing interaction dynamics patterns between signals.

‘Using the OpenAI API With Your Prompt + Your Data’ by Abigail Haddad I’ll show how I’m using the R openAI package to work with the GPT-4 API. My example involves creating fake resumes by combining custom prompts with job-related data from a .csv file, showing how we can use the API to iterate through a dataset for text generation. I’ll also mention a couple of NLP projects that I’m doing that use the same general format of prompt + iterating through text.

‘Tidyverse Style Guide’ by Arati Krishnamoorthy A guide to using the tidyverse style guide.


We would like to thank our sponsors R-Ladies Global, R Consortium, O’Reilly Media

Thank you also to our wonderful speakers!

Watch the event recording on YouTube

This post was authored by Jesika Saucedo. For more information contact